With new generations born with a phone in their hands and a world of explicit content at their fingertips, our attention turns to the porn industry and what effect this can have on addiction.
Virginia Nicholl, a porn addiction counsellor at a West Sussex addiction clinic, explains that because porn is so widely available, most of her patients were exposed to sexual content from the age of just eight years’ old. She warns that teenage porn addiction is a growing problem, having seen admissions triple since 2015.
17-year-old Dan, who tells of his experience in this BBC clip, became addicted to porn at the age of 12 and states that the addiction is no different from craving drugs. Because the porn is free on a multitude of websites that he can access on his phone, it is always on his mind. He admits that he is stuck in a vicious cycle of thinking about porn and watching it, claiming: “I have to watch it eight, nine times a day.”
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Last updated May 25, 2020 at 15:21:44