Drug detox
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March 28th, 2025
Are you ready to turn your life around and get clean? For anyone reliant on drugs, drug detox is a crucial and life-changing first step that breaks the immediate cycle of drug addiction. It refers to the process of removing substances from the body through abstinence, allowing you to start healing. UKAT provides detox programmes for the following substances:
A list of drugs that detox is available for are listed below:
Cocaine detox
Find out more about cocaine detox, with helpful information about what to expect from withdrawal and methods you can use to make the detoxification process as easy as possible.
Heroin detox
Click here to learn more about heroin detox, with essential information regarding what to expect from detox and a withdrawal timeline underlining all the different symptoms.
Ecstasy detox
Learn more about ecstasy detox and the symptoms which usually manifest after using the substance. See how we can help with your ecstasy detox journey. Aim for a brighter future today.
Amphetamine detox
Look to this page for information about amphetamine detox, what to expect from withdrawal and some tips to keep you as safe as possible during the process.
Ketamine detox
Click here to learn more about ketamine detox, what to expect from the process and how to pick the best course of treatment to suit your needs.
Crack cocaine detox
Learn about crack cocaine detox, as well as some of the common withdrawal symptoms and how you can go about seeking treatment for yourself or a loved one.
Cannabis detox
Learn about cannabis detox, with everything you need to know about withdrawal, including the psychological and physical side effects and important information on what to expect.
Prescription drugs
Find out more about prescription drug detox and why it is a vital first step to recovery. If you are unsure of how to detox safely, click here to learn more information.
If any of these substances are wreaking havoc on your life, you can read more about drug rehab to find out more about the process.
What is drug withdrawal?
Drugs not only alter the way we feel, but they also remodel our brain’s chemistry. The more drugs you take, the more reliant your brain becomes on them to supply its dopamine and serotonin levels. When you stop taking drugs, your brain struggles to adapt to the lack of its presence and this, therefore, results in withdrawal symptoms.
Symptoms may vary in severity depending on a number of factors, including the type of drug used, how it is consumed, the amount used, the frequency of use, and the general health of the individual.
Withdrawal symptoms may include:
- Increased heart rate and blood pressure
- Nausea and diarrhoea
- Stomach cramps
- High temperature
- Muscle aches and pains
- Shaking, shivering, and sweating
- Headaches
In more severe cases, you may experience hallucinations, delirium, and even seizures. Battling these symptoms alone is very difficult, and can be dangerous – it is advisable that you seek professional help throughout your drug detox.
What can I expect from drug detox?
Our doctors will perform an initial assessment to ascertain whether medication will be required to make your drug detox comfortable and safe. You may be provided with antianxiety or antidepressant medication, neuroleptic medication to ease discomfort, hypnotics to manage insomnia, or antiepileptic medication to prevent seizures, for example.
Although every patient is unique, with no two experiencing the same detox, we can also make some predictions on the timeline of your withdrawal period. We usually expect to see withdrawal symptoms peaking within the first few days of detox, gradually lessening in the second week as your body restores itself.
At our UKAT facilities, you will be surrounded by those with similar stories, alongside knowledgeable staff who all have first-hand experience of withdrawal. This non-judgmental and supportive environment is vital as you battle drug withdrawal symptoms, as it allows you to fully focus on your end goal of sobriety without feeling ashamed.
One of our previous UKAT clients, Richard, describes his experiences, saying:
“You are understood and accepted straight away, which is a revelation because you’ve spent so long thinking nobody understands you. Listening to others made me understand I needed to be there.”
Our team of professionals will help to guide you throughout the drug detox process, leaving you to feel relaxed, safe, and secure.
Is home drug detox safe?
You may be considering a home drug detox for several reasons – perhaps you feel unwilling to discuss your issues, or maybe you are worried about the costs of private care. Home detox, however, can be extremely dangerous, with large numbers of people tragically dying every year when attempting to go it alone. Without the right protections and assistance to keep you safe, you may sadly see a fatal outcome.
Even in cases where withdrawal itself is not fatal, its effects can be so traumatic as to drive the withdrawing user into self-harm or even suicide as a result of debilitating depression.
Moreover, many addicts who relapse during the drug detox process die as a result of taking the dosages to which they were previously accustomed but which their systems are now unable to tolerate after a period of detox and withdrawal. This can also be avoided with the correct therapeutic assistance, which is very unlikely to be available in a home environment.
It is strongly advised that you seek the help of experienced professionals if you plan on detoxing from drugs – not only will they guarantee a safe experience, you will boost your chances of a successful recovery.
Managing your drug detox fears
Drug detox can sometimes feel like a scary first step in your recovery; you may have a fear of failure, fear of withdrawal symptoms, and even a fear of change. These fears can often prevent addicts from seeking help, but you should not let them get in the way of a clean and healthy future.
So how can we manage these fears?
Fear of failure may be holding you back from drug detox and treatment as the possibility of relapse is always present. Ensuring you receive support at an inpatient facility removes the possibility of relapse as you will be away from usual triggers and have access to professional guidance throughout the detox process.
It is also important to note that relapse should never be viewed as a failure – it is just a part of recovery and a lesson that you can take forward as you continue your journey.
Fear of withdrawal symptoms is very common among our clients – everyone has heard a horror story or two! Drug withdrawal symptoms can range from mildly unpleasant to life-threatening, so it is extremely important to manage the detox and withdrawal process under the watchful eye of experts who can medically assist you and ensure your withdrawal period is comfortable and manageable.
You should also bear in mind that the drug detox period is short, with severe symptoms subsiding after a few days. Taking it day by day will help you to overcome the drug withdrawal process.
Fear of change relates to many people who are about to undergo the drug detox phase of recovery – your body not only goes through changes as it cleanses toxic substances from its system, but you may have to say goodbye to friends, change your entire lifestyle, and reform old habits.
Drug detox is an integral phase of your recovery, but it is also the most difficult leap to take. Instead of fearing change, however, we should try to welcome it. You may have to say goodbye to certain friends, but in turn, you will have the opportunity to rebuild relationships that have broken down. Focus on the healthier, happier, and more positive version of yourself that will soon emerge after drug detox.
Previous UKAT patient, Matt, shares his advice on drug detox and rehab, saying:
“Go with an open mind and grab every bit of advice you can. The therapists are there to help – just embrace the change.”
Don’t let your fears of drug detox hold you back from achieving lasting sobriety and a new lease on life. Contact our team of experts at UKAT today.
The benefits of drug detox
Tackling drug detox and withdrawal symptoms can be unpleasant, but once you have overcome this phase, your days will no longer be dominated by drugs – you will feel free, healthy, and rejuvenated. While your body purges toxins and begins to heal, you will notice several other notable benefits, including:
- Freedom from the harmful cycle of drug abuse
- A renewed sense of self
- Physically and emotionally healthier
- Improved wellbeing
- A sense of achievement
Detoxing represents a fresh start – it is a cornerstone in your recovery and from here you can begin to rebuild your life, including your relationships, career, health, and wellbeing.
Contact us
Managing a successful detox and ongoing recovery may seem like a long and arduous task, but with the right help, it is certainly not impossible. Taking the leap and starting your drug detox will bring you closer to a healthier and more fulfilling life. If you are contemplating drug detox or have any questions relating to the treatment options available to you, don’t hesitate to call us.