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Last Updated:
March 7th, 2025
Internet addiction
The smartphone is the modern-day hypodermic needle, delivering digital dopamine 24/7 for a wired generation.
Anna Lembke
In society today, the widespread impact of the internet on each of our lives is undeniable. A great deal of us would not be able to function without it, and data reveals that in 2020, social media use was essential for 28.7% of UK users’ work commitments. The internet is an essential fact of everyday life, one which is incredibly convenient, whilst at the same time, having the potential to reap dangerous consequences.
You might be wondering, with all these devices, how could something that is helping us also be hurting us? Below, we will explore why internet addiction has the potential to be just as powerful as any other behavioural addiction and the ways that treatment programmes such as rehab for internet addiction can set you on the road to recovery.
What is internet addiction?
Internet addiction relates to circumstances where an individual will use the internet so excessively that it begins to interfere with all other aspects of their daily life. While spending a little time winding down on our devices is perfectly harmless, for others, it can become a compulsion that leaves users feeling powerless, maintaining their addiction even if it poses noticeable harm to their health and wellbeing.