Vicodin addiction

Vicodin addiction is notorious for being fatal to the social life of anyone who suffers from it. Because of its mental and physical impact, Vicodin addiction causes people to become isolated and oftentimes appear selfish. This is inconvenient for many reasons, but especially because Vicodin addiction is extremely difficult to be rid of without professional support. Its social effects only serve to prolong the addiction, which could cause irreparable harm to you and your loved ones.


How does Vicodin work?

Vicodin is a drug that is used to relieve moderate to severe pain. Before it was discontinued in the UK around 2012, it was regularly prescribed by doctors. Vicodin is a combination of two medicines, Paracetamol and Hydrocodone. Paracetamol is a well-known over the counter pain-relieving medicine found in countless shops around the UK. Meanwhile, Hydrocodone is an opiate in the same family as Codeine and Heroin. Hydrocodone’s function is to block pain receptors in the brain and the spinal cord to disallow the feeling of pain in the user’s body.

Vicodin, with the help of Hydrocodone, takes it a step further by stimulating endorphin production in the brain, which in turn produces dopamine. The result is a painless, euphoric feeling.

How does Vicodin addiction develop?

It may be clear to you at this point why Vicodin addiction is achievable. The euphoria is a leading factor in the list of reasons why people feel the need to revisit Vicodin. However, at its core, Vicodin addiction is not just about the high. Whether genetic, psychological, or environmental, there is always an underlying issue for addiction.

Whatever the underlying issue is, the feeling of euphoria will be more favourable to them than living with these problems. Therefore, once the Vicodin abuse begins, Vicodin addiction is not far behind.

Vicodin addiction and abuse symptoms

Unfortunately, people don’t often admit to their addictions right away. Because of the way addiction manipulates the mind, it is likely that your loved one may not confess to you that they have a Vicodin addiction. In fact, they will often attempt to hide their addiction.

These efforts can manifest in behaviours that skirt the lines of deception and manipulation. These behaviours can take such a toll on your mental health that you may decide to let the addiction be. You may even start to believe that the Vicodin addiction isn’t hurting anyone as much as your actions are. However, this is not true. You are certainly not in the wrong to put a stop to Vicodin addiction and to show concern over the abuse of Vicodin. Therefore, you must be aware of symptoms to look out for that are indicative of Vicodin abuse and addiction.


Below are a few symptoms and signs of Vicodin abuse that will help you identify whether or not your loved one is suffering from this ailment. Keep in mind that these are not the only indications of addiction. The symptoms of Vicodin addiction will largely depend on your loved one’s personality and how their behaviours are changing. While keeping the below symptoms in mind, it would be best to observe your loved ones’ intake of Vicodin as well as their ability to refrain from taking the drug.

Social behavioural signs of Vicodin abuse

Social behaviours are very heavily impacted when Vicodin abuse starts and heads towards addiction.

  • Increasingly defensive
  • Increased depression or anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Episodes of paranoia
  • Social isolation
  • Strained relationships
  • Poor performance at work
  • Financial problems
  • Secretive behaviour
  • Lying, stealing, and manipulating
  • Doctor shopping for new prescriptions
  • Attempting to buy Vicodin from illegitimate sources

Physical signs of Vicodin abuse

  • Irregular bowel movements
  • Frequent breathing difficulties
  • Diagnosed liver problems
  • Urinary tract problems
  • Regular drowsiness, weakness, and lethargy
  • Episodes of unconsciousness


Impact of Vicodin abuse on health

The slippery slope of Vicodin abuse to addiction is often followed by an overdose. As an overdose is common after the beginning of Vicodin abuse, you may, unfortunately, have to keep these symptoms in mind if somebody you know is abusing Vicodin.

  • Gastrointestinal problems (nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite)
  • Mental difficulties (confusion and loss of cognitive ability)
  • Lethargy, muscle weakness, and general fatigue
  • Breathing problems (sometimes accompanied by chest pain)
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Jaundice (yellow skin)
  • Abdominal pain
  • Alternating diarrhoea and constipation
  • Erratic behaviour (especially anger)

Vicodin use around the world

Vicodin is not supplied in the UK by the NHS and has also been discontinued in the US in 2021 after several warnings over three years. However, the combination of opiates and Paracetamol remains in existence, as Vicodin is just a brand name for this combination. Private doctors are able to prescribe this combination, and it may be purchased online.

In 2010, the US consumed 99% of Vicodin supplies on the market. However, this does not account for illegitimate sales and production.

Can Vicodin addiction be cured?

Vicodin abuse and addiction can go downhill very quickly. If not caught before it is too late, it could prove fatal. However, you are likely to see the changes earlier on, as the signs of Vicodin addiction are difficult to miss. You can recover from addiction with support from a Vicodin rehab and revert your and your loved ones’ lives back to normal. However, this process is not easy. Vicodin addiction is taxing on the user and their support group physically and mentally. While the detox stage will be difficult, it will inevitably get easier. In fact, it can be a less demanding experience with some help and support to keep you calm and make the process run smoothly.


What can you do to help?

To begin, we would like to reassure you that just because Vicodin addiction has made it into your life it does not mean you have failed. Blunders are common in life, as they are how we learn. Many before you have gone through this experience, and we assure you that it is how you resolve this drawback rather than the obstacle itself that will determine the outcome of this situation.

For Vicodin addiction, getting help is paramount to ridding you and your loved one of this affliction. First, the help of an addiction professional, who has been in your position before and who will be able to advise you on what steps to take to be rid of the addiction without putting your loved one’s life in danger. Second, the help of a support group for yourself or your loved one.

Support for Vicodin addiction

The best solution for managing an addiction to Vicodin is receiving treatment at an inpatient centre. In addition to undergoing a safe Vicodin detox and recovery, this will help you know that you are not alone and give you the opportunity to learn from others who have been in similar positions.

Undergoing Vicodin addiction is no easy feat. However, we are here to support you through it. Seeking help is part of the process of returning to a positive, healthy road and successful recovery.

Frequently asked questions

How long does Vicodin addiction last?
Like all other addictions, the effects of Vicodin addiction will, unfortunately, grow increasingly more powerful over time. However, if the correct steps are taken, and you seek help at Vicodin rehab, the addiction can be controlled.
What is the difference between Vicodin abuse and addiction?
Vicodin abuse is the general misuse of Vicodin or overly using the drug in times other than those prescribed. Vicodin addiction is the dependency on Vicodin physically and mentally.
Could Vicodin be safe?
If prescribed by a doctor, the combination of Hydrocodone and Paracetamol would be safe to use as prescribed. However, without a prescription, this is dangerous and would be considered Vicodin abuse.