A child’s mental health can impact every aspect of their life. Having an unrecognised mental health pr… More

After a session of heavy drinking, most people feel a certain amount of sadness or depression as part of… More

Both addictions and suicidal thoughts present immediate, life-threatening dangers to the suffering person.

Addictions… More

Schizophrenia is complex, and many people are only aware of a few of its characteristics. In the media, schi… More

The conversation around mental health has become more open in recent years, with 1 in 4 of us experien… More

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) stands as a multifaceted developmental condition marked by intricate challe… More

You may have heard of some unusual addictions, like being addicted to being in a relationship or addicte… More

Travelling can be stressful at the best of times, but for those living with ARFID, there is more to worr… More

Thanks to celebrities such as singer Billie Eilish and activist Greta Thunberg opening up about their neurodiversiti… More

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to dine with an eating disorder? The reality is that eating disorders come… More

Since one in four of us feels lonely now and then, the key theme for this year’s ment… More