Crystal meth in the UK has yet to become a widespread issue compared to drugs like cocaine or cannabis. Ho… More
Heroin is one of, if not the most, addictive drugs ever to exist on Earth. It has destroyed countless live… More
A significant aspect of heroin addiction is the physical dependence that your body develops on the drug. T… More
As the 20th century dawned, the widespread ramifications of opiate and heroin addiction had become undenia… More
Heroin has been among the most feared, deadly, and misunderstood drugs for decades. Movies like Trainspott… More
Scotland’s battle against drug deaths has been a long-standing issue, reflecting the nation’s larger grapp… More
Oktoberfest, the world’s largest beer festival held annually in Munich, Germany, is a celebration renowned… More
You’re likely aware of the "cold turkey" method advised by family and friends to “conquer any form of ad… More
This year marks the 188th Oktoberfest, the world’s largest Volksfest, which encapsulates traditional Germa… More
In a bid to reduce the number of alcohol-related crimes in the UK, alcohol tags (or sobriety tags) have been given t… More