THC Gummies: A Chewy Trend or a Sticky Trap?


In their glimmering packaging resembling sweets from a corner shop, many people now use THC gummies as their primary choice of cannabis consumption. Their surge in popularity is leading many people to debate:are gummies a short-lived trend, or are they here to stay?
  • Page Content
  • What are THC edibles?
  • What makes THC gummies increasingly popular over smoking?
  • The North American surge in popularity of THC gummies
  • What are the dangers of THC gummies and edibles?
  • Conclusion: are gummies a passing trend?
  • Where can I turn for support with my cannabis addiction?

What are THC edibles?

THC edibles are the shorthand names for consumer sweets and snacks infused with cannabis. These products contain cannabis designed to be ingested rather than smoked. They can be made as cakes, chocolates, tinctures and gummies.

Within the products, there are two main forms of cannabinoids:

Tetrahydrocannabinol: Usually shortened to THC, this is the psychoactive compound that produces the euphoric feelings associated with cannabis use. Most gummies are typically sold with a THC content of 10mg per gummy.

Cannabidiol: Again shortened to a 3 letter acronym, CBD is seen as the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, though some research suggests CBD can still modulate symptoms of certain neuropsychiatric disorders, so the term “non-intoxicating” may be a better fit. There are some edibles and gummies specifically marketed with a “CBD-only” label.

What makes THC gummies increasingly popular over smoking?

Smoking cannabis has long been the traditional method of consumption, but recent years have seen an increasing preference for edibles over smoking for several reasons.

These can include:

  • No respiratory risk: People who choose to eat THC gummies instead of smoking won’t have the same respiratory risks. Cannabis smoke contains carcinogens and smoking cannabis is linked with issues like lung inflammation and bronchitis.
  • Discreetness: THC gummies avoid issues of odour and stigma as they are easier to consume unnoticed. As they have little to no scent, people may feel safer carrying them around.
  • Accessibility: Though illegal in the UK, gummies are still marketed on social media to younger audiences and shipped discreetly using regular postal routes.
  • Longer duration of the “high”: The intoxication felt from ingesting cannabis is longer than when it is smoked or vaped. Research shows the effects of edibles last up to 12 hours, while the effects from smoking typically last up to 4 hours.

The North American surge in popularity of THC gummies

THC gummies and edibles have become more popular in recent years. The sales data should help us understand whether the increase is a passing trend or here to stay.

The majority of information comes from US markets, where 39 states have legalised medical cannabis use, and 24 states allow recreational use by adults. Some research estimates the value of the US edible cannabis market at around $10 billion in 2024. Future forecasts expect large compound annual growth for the industry up to 2030, with some projections estimating a 30% CAGR.

Canada also enacted laws that provide legal access to cannabis for medicinal and recreational use. The Cannabis Act of 2018 created a legal framework for controlling the production, distribution and sale of cannabis in Canada. A Canadian survey published in 2024 has since shown a decrease in the amount of people smoking and a 15% increase in people ingesting edibles that year.

THC gummies are still largely illegal to purchase in the UK, so it is harder to reflect and predict whether weed gummies will become more popular. However, there have recently been reports of social media advertisements for THC gummies reaching children on platforms like TikTok and Telegram. The case resulted in 6 children being taken to hospital in 2022. This begins to raise the alarm on whether we comprehend the dangers and risks inherent to THC gummies and how they can lead to an addiction to cannabis.


What are the dangers of THC gummies and edibles?

Research into the long-term effects is ongoing as THC gummies are still relatively new. However, current research highlights the dangers of overusing edibles, especially for younger people who are swayed by their appearance.

Some of the risks of misusing and overusing THC gummies may include:

Cognitive impairment and depression

One of the most prevalent risks of overusing THC gummies is the impairments caused to your daily routines and activities. Research shows that consistently ingesting high levels of THC may negatively affect your thinking functions including memory and attention span.

Among younger users, THC use has an association with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts later in life. A 30-year longitudinal study of adolescents linked younger users with increased tendencies for depression and suicidality in adulthood.

Psychotic symptoms

The psychoactive component in THC gummies can have a huge impact on your mental health when taken in high doses. If you’ve ever faced mental health issues in the past, large amounts of THC may exacerbate and trigger feelings of anxiety, restlessness, or paranoia.

In more severe cases, taking too much THC at regular intervals can alter the way you perceive reality and make it difficult for you to distinguish between what is real and what is not. Medical health professionals understand this as a state of psychosis, which is more likely to form after prolonged, heavy consumption of THC.

Accidental ingestion

Especially for children, THC gummies present a dangerous risk of accidental consumption. They are designed to look like sweets that children enjoy. Research from the US in 2022 showed that 1,000 children ate THC gummies accidentally, which can be highly dangerous and lead to severe health risks like seizures and breathing issues.

Delayed onset and risks of overconsumption

The effects of THC gummies are generally felt later than if you smoke cannabis. When a person smokes weed, the euphoric feelings or getting “high” typically happen within a few minutes. In contrast, ingesting THC gummies has a much later onset of around 30 minutes to 2 hours.

This can be especially dangerous for someone ingesting gummies for the first time. A person can feel misled after a few minutes when they don’t feel its effects and take more. There may then come an extreme intoxication that stops you from being able to carry out what you planned to do.

Conclusion: are gummies a passing trend?

As THC gummies become more commonplace in society, the question remains for healthcare professionals, recovery experts and concerned parents: ”Are gummies a passing trend, or are they here to stay?”

In light of the data published by Northern American researchers, it looks increasingly likely that gummies are more than just a temporary or trendy drug. Their rising sales and the growing preference for ingesting over smoking cannabis suggest a shift in user behaviour.

Their longevity and prevalence in society may rely on concerns over misuse, their addictive nature and their accessibility for younger users. The dangers are clear for many users, but as we stand, THC gummies do not appear to be heading into obscurity any time soon. We can hope that research continues into the dangers THC gummies present and that support continues for those struggling with addiction to cannabis.

Where can I turn for support with my cannabis addiction?

Addiction to a substance can lead anyone to isolation, illness and despair. Cannabis addiction can be extremely difficult to manage alone, but with the right support, you can do it. Here at UKAT, professional help is available.

We provide comprehensive cannabis detox programmes that help you break free from addiction. Our expert staff in our cannabis rehab centre are trained to give holistic care and provide you with the healing you need. Aftercare support is in place so you can take back control and return to a healthier life, free from addiction.

We are only one click or phone call away. Take the first step to complete recovery with us.

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