Danny Bennett

Referral line – 0203 993 9137

Danny Bennett is a dedicated advocate for addiction recovery and mental health awareness, leveraging his personal experiences to inspire and support others. Having been clean and sober since September 14th, 2012, Danny has transformed his life and now uses his journey as a beacon of hope for those facing similar battles. Through his large and engaged social media following, he shares his story with unflinching honesty, aiming to dismantle the stigma that often surrounds addiction and mental health issues.

Danny’s advocacy goes beyond mere storytelling; he engages in candid discussions about the challenges he has faced and continues to face in his recovery journey. By openly addressing his own struggles with addiction and mental health, he provides a relatable and authentic voice that resonates with many who feel isolated by their experiences. His transparency helps to normalise conversations about these topics, making it easier for others to seek help without fear of judgement.

In addition to sharing his personal experiences, Danny actively promotes the benefits of open dialogue and community support. He believes that recovery is not a solitary journey but one that thrives on connection and mutual encouragement. By fostering a supportive online community, he creates a safe space where individuals can share their stories, offer advice, and find solace in knowing they are not alone.

Danny Bennett

Addictions Danny faced

Alcohol and cocaine

Years Danny has been sober

11 Years and counting

Danny’s social media presence


Danny’s mission

Danny’s mission is to inspire and educate. He demonstrates that recovery is possible through perseverance, self-awareness, and the willingness to seek help. His efforts are geared towards encouraging people to speak out about their struggles, breaking down the barriers of shame and silence that often accompany addiction and mental health issues.

Through his advocacy, Danny aims to change the narrative around addiction and mental health. He emphasizes that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and that everyone deserves the opportunity to heal and recover. His work not only offers hope to those directly affected by addiction and mental health challenges but also educates the broader public, fostering a more understanding and compassionate society.

In essence, Danny Bennett’s life and work serve as powerful reminders of the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact of empathy and support. His ongoing commitment to addiction recovery and mental health awareness continues to make a significant difference, encouraging many to take the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Contact us today


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    What Type of Addiction you’re enquiring about:

    If your addiction is not listed above, please specify:

    Select Drug Type:

    If other, please specify the drug:

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    Have you ever received treatment for addiction before?

    Where did you hear about us?