Klonopin (Clonazepam) withdrawal & detox

Klonopin is a medication that is commonly prescribed to help treat anxiety and panic attacks but which can also be highly addictive. Klonopin addiction requires a comprehensive detox programme to clear your system of the drug. Attempting to stop taking Klonopin at home on your own can be potentially very dangerous so it’s important to seek professional help when detoxing from Klonopin.

Here we explain why Klonopin detox is important and how to safely detox from the drug. We’ll also dispel some of the myths about Klonopin detox that you may have heard.


What is Klonopin detox?

Klonopin detox is the process of ridding your body of the drug so that you can start your journey to recovery. This is not an easy process but it is essential for freeing yourself from the physical dependence on Klonopin. Klonopin detox is best done under the care of a professional medical team who can help you manage the withdrawal symptoms and keep you safe during detox.

Why is Klonopin detox important?

Klonopin is a very powerful drug that works by slowing down the central nervous system which can have a calming effect on people who suffer from anxiety or panic disorders.

When you become addicted to Klonopin, your body starts to rely on the drug to function normally. This means that when you try to stop taking Klonopin, you will experience Klonopin withdrawal symptoms which can be very uncomfortable and even dangerous. This is why it is vital that you detox under the care of a professional medical team.

At UKAT, our detox specialists have helped many people through the Klonopin detox process and we understand how difficult it can be. But we also know that with the right help, you can overcome your condition and start living a life free from the grip of Klonopin. Get in touch with us today to get started on your road to recovery.

The benefits of Klonopin detox

There are many benefits to Klonopin detox, both in the short and long term. In the short term, you will be rid of the drug that has been causing so much damage to your life. This will give you a chance to start making positive changes and begin rebuilding your life.

Detoxing from Klonopin will also help to improve your physical and mental health. Klonopin is extremely damaging to every aspect of your health and quitting will start to repair the damage that has been done.

In the long term, Klonopin detox can help you to avoid the many problems that are associated with chronic Klonopin use. These include liver damage, cognitive impairment, and an increased risk of accidents and injury.

Detoxing from Klonopin will also help to improve your relationships, work life and social life, which can all be massively affected by Klonopin abuse and its effects.

How Klonopin detox works

When you go through Klonopin detox, your body goes into a sort of shock because it has to function without the drug it has become reliant on. This results in Klonopin withdrawal symptoms as your body adjusts to functioning without Klonopin.

Some of the most common Klonopin withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Tremors
  • Dizziness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Confusion
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Seizures

All of these Klonopin withdrawal symptoms can be very uncomfortable and potentially even life-threatening. That is why it is so dangerous to attempt Klonopin detox at home on your own. You could have a seizure or do something dangerous due to depression or suicidal thoughts. You may also be unable to bear the withdrawal and go into relapse (start taking Klonopin again).

How to undergo Klonopin detox safely

The safest way to undergo Klonopin detox safely is at a professional detox centre. There, you will be under the care of a medical team who can help you manage your withdrawal symptoms and make sure you are safe during detox.

A Klonopin detox centre may also usually administer medication to help ease the withdrawal process and keep you safe and comfortable. When you are first admitted, the medical professionals will give you a full medical assessment to ascertain whether you are at risk of severe and potentially fatal Klonopin withdrawal symptoms.


They will check the state of both your general health and also the specifics of your condition. Certain factors will increase the chances of a dangerous Klonopin withdrawal such as:

  • Prolonged, excessive Klonopin abuse
  • A high dose of Klonopin
  • Mixing Klonopin with other drugs or alcohol
  • A history of mental health problems
  • A pre-existing medical condition

Based on these factors, our medical professionals will design a Klonopin detox plan that will be both safe and comfortable for you. We will support you at every stage of Klonopin detox and help prepare you for the next step in your Klonopin recovery. Get in touch with us today to find out more.

What to expect from a Klonopin detox

The timeline of Klonopin withdrawal symptoms is different for everyone depending on the severity of your Klonopin use and other individual factors. Full withdrawal from Klonopin can take a long time but don’t let that dishearten you because you will get all the support you need during that time.

Here is a typical timeline for the early stages of Klonopin detox:

Days 1 to 3
Symptoms usually begin around one to three days after Klonopin is withdrawn and typically include rebound symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety. These symptoms usually last for between two and four days and vary in intensity from person to person.
Days 4 to 15
The acute stage of withdrawal usually begins after the fourth day and this is when the bulk of other symptoms occur. It is this time when you may really need the assistance of a professional detox team as the symptoms can be severe.
Days 15+
Benzos such as Klonopin are the most difficult medications to remove from your system within a short period of time. You cannot detox from Klonopin within a few weeks; it usually takes months before all the withdrawal symptoms cease.

At UKAT, we will help you through every stage of Klonopin detox. While you are in our centre, our team of medical and mental health professionals will make sure you are as comfortable as possible and that your withdrawal is as safe as it can be. If you come to UKAT for Klonopin detox and only stay for a short time, we will work with your GP to help you with your detox after you’ve been discharged to monitor you and avoid relapse.

Contact us today to find out more about our Klonopin detox programmes.

Do I need Klonopin detox?

If you are addicted to Klonopin, then it is very likely that you will need professional help to detox from the drug. But how can you be sure? After all, Klonopin is a legal, widely prescribed medication that many people take without any complications. Addiction can be very conniving and can put you in denial and try to convince concerned loved ones that there is no issue.

To help you see through this deception, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Am I unable to function without taking Klonopin?
  • Do I take more Klonopin than prescribed or for longer than prescribed?
  • Have I tried to quit taking Klonopin but been unsuccessful?
  • Do I experience Klonopin withdrawal symptoms when I try to stop taking the drug?
  • Do I keep taking Klonopin even though it’s causing problems in my life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s likely that you need professional help to detox from Klonopin. At UKAT, our team of experienced recovery specialists can help you through every step of the detox process. We will make sure you are as comfortable as possible and that you have the best chance of success in recovery.

Common myths about Klonopin detox

  • You have to take Klonopin for a long time to develop a physical dependence and require Klonopin detoxn…

Klonopin is a very potent drug and it only takes a short time for tolerance to develop. This means that you will need to take increasingly large doses to get the same effect. Tolerance quickly leads to physical dependence which will require detox to overcome.

  • Klonopin is a legally prescribed medication so Klonopin withdrawal symptoms must be less severe than those of illegal street drugs…

Klonopin is a powerful drug with a high potential for abuse. Klonopin withdrawal symptoms can be just as severe as those of other drugs and so professional detox is required to safely stop taking the drug.

  • Once you have undergone Klonopin detox, you will be cured…

Klonopin detox is only the first step on the road to recovery. After detox, you will need to undertake a full treatment programme to give you the best chance of staying clean in the long term.

If you are addicted to Klonopin, don’t delay getting help. Contact us today to find out more about our Klonopin detox programmes. We can help you to take the first step on the road to recovery.

  • The government encourages drinking to make money from alcohol taxes…

A report by the Institute of Alcohol Studies showed that the £21 billion figure regularly quoted by the Government in terms of the cost of alcohol to society could actually represent only 50% of the true cost. This is far more than is generated by alcohol tax revenues.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I find a Klonopin detox programme?
UKAT has a number of Klonopin detox centres across the UK. We offer a bespoke detox programme that is tailored to your individual needs and state of health. Contact us today to learn more about our different detox centres or click here for a rundown of what they provide.
What are the chances of relapse after Klonopin detox?
The risk of relapse is always high when you are in recovery from any substance use disorder. However, the chances of relapse can be greatly reduced by entering a Klonopin rehab programme after Klonopin detox. This will give you the tools and support that you need to stay clean in the long term.
What are the dangers of Klonopin relapse?
If you relapse during Klonopin detox, which is very common among people detoxing at home, your tolerance will have decreased and you will be at risk of overdosing. This is because your body can no longer handle the same amount of Klonopin you were taking before you stopped. This is just one of the many dangers of detoxing at home without medical supervision.