Every rehab that you enter will be different; therefore, it is impossible to tell what is to be expected at your chosen treatment centre. Typically, however, rehab is set up to help instil you with the tools you need to begin a healthier life, free from Ativan. Some of the support that is usually included during Ativan treatment includes:
Physical recovery
Upon entering your chosen rehab facility, withdrawal is essential to your treatment programme, as it will give you the mental clarity that you need to fully engage with the next stages of treatment.
It is essential that the process of coming off Ativan is gradual and safe, rather than simply quitting cold turkey. This can be very dangerous, not to mention uncomfortable for clients. Through gradual detox, your body will be given ample time to adjust, learning to depend less and less on Ativan as the amount of the substance is incrementally reduced. A rehab facility is considered the best place to do this, as you will be provided with both physical and emotional support.
Psychological recovery
When you enter rehab therapy for Ativan, the goal is to teach you the mechanics of your condition so that you can better understand how it affects you. This is highly beneficial in securing long-lasting recovery, as you will learn more about how these addictive behaviours are triggered and the ways that you can avoid returning to Ativan use following rehab.
The objective of professional Ativan treatment is to address both the physical and psychological aspects of the condition in a safe and supportive environment. Rather than simply looking for a temporary fix or easy solution, Ativan rehab works to establish permanent abstinence instead of merely treating symptoms. Upon completion of Ativan rehab, clients are prepared to return to their everyday lives, equipped with the tools they need to prevent relapse.