There are two main options for Halcion rehab: outpatient and inpatient:
Outpatient Halcion rehab
Outpatient Halcion treatment is when you stay at home but attend regular appointments at a Halcion rehab clinic. Some people choose this option because they can take care of family and work responsibilities. However, outpatient treatment is often ineffective because with access to Halcion and surrounded by their normal triggers and stresses, there is a high risk of relapse.
Inpatient Halcion rehab
Inpatient Halcion treatment is when you live at the rehab centre for the duration of your treatment programme. This option is chosen by most people because it provides an immersive and safe environment in which to recover without any distractions or temptations. It also means that you have around-the-clock support which is important because Halcion rehab can be tough going at times.
UKAT Halcion rehab
At UKAT, we specialise in inpatient Halcion treatment because we believe it is the best way to achieve long-lasting recovery because it provides a holistic recovery environment. Our Halcion rehab centres are located across the UK and provide a supportive community atmosphere in which you can focus on your recovery without any distractions. While undergoing UKAT Halcion rehab, you will have no access to Halcion and no contact with any bad influences from your everyday life.