Porn addiction
Many of us have a hard time acknowledging porn addiction as an illness, instead seeing it as a nasty habit that can easily be broken. What many of us do not know, however, is that much like the compulsion to take drugs, gamble, or excessively drink alcohol, porn addiction has the potential to cost people their relationships, careers, and social lives. This makes it just as powerful as any other addiction.
Porn addiction can present itself in several ways. You can consult this page for signs and symptoms of porn addiction as well as ways to approach recovery, for example, through porn rehabilitation and treatment programmes purposefully designed to help you overcome this affliction.
What is porn addiction?
Addiction is a condition characterised by obsessively seeking out a behaviour, with the powerlessness to stop even if it is causing harm to your health. Porn addiction, in much the same way, is a behavioural addiction that leads individuals to view pornographic material in a manner that is unhealthy and stands in the way of things which are important to them.